Edinburgh Marathon

Slightly quicker than Athens but not by much… still train harder get it right next time. Most likely Sydney in September

10k: 00:45:40
Half: 01:41:43
30k: 02:35:47
Marathon: 04:07:18

Other than my speed & the general heat, it was a pretty good run. Fairly scenic lots of support along the route, reasonably flat. The proclaimers playing on the PA at the start seemed appropriate.

As was the guy with an mp3 player, featuring the theme from rocky, eye of the tiger and the theme from cheers…

Making your way in the world today takes everything you got…

Anyway, painful, could have, should have done better but I nearly killed myself on the day. The key is in preparation, and for some reason I still enjoyed the overall experience.

Not including any photos with this, as I have seen myself in pain from various other runs I don’t even want to think about how I look in this one.

PS. Big thankyou to Tamsin and Thom for a floor to sleep on and some good company the day/night before. Edinburgh as general rule looks very nice.

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